DSpace Repository

The Notre Dame University-Louaize Institutional Repository, known as DSpace, is a digital archive of the university's intellectual output accessible to others worldwide over the Internet. The institutional Repository contains a collection of research and publications written by academic authors, students, staff, alumni and research groups that have sufficient quality to be collected and preserved by the Library but which are not controlled by commercial publishers.

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  • Njaim, Maria E. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    This thesis seeks to analyze the role of regional organizations, specifically the European Union in dealing with external crisis. Furthermore, the research will focus on the development of EU treaties and mechanisms that influenced its foreign policy and security and defense policies in the context of foreign intervention. This study will target two considerations that are required for international involvement. Two case studies, which are the Kosovo Crisis and Ukraine Crisis, will be compared to reflect on the considerations that affected the European Union decision to intervene and the different ...
  • Atallah, Jennifer (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015-02-04)
    The paper presents the study of the iterations of rational fractions, that is, the behavior of z_0,z_1=f(z_0 ),…,z_(n+1)=f(z_n ),… We illustrate the conditions needed for this function to behave as its linear part and prove the existence of Siegel and Cremer points. The study extends to a description of Fatou and Julia sets.
  • Bitar-Karkafi, Catherine Georges (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    Purpose -- the purpose of this study is to explore the barriers that hinder women’s advancement to leadership positions in higher education institutions in Lebanon, based on the perception of female academics in three prestigious universities that follow the American system in Lebanon. Design/methodology/approach -- the research is qualitative. The literature review and face to face semi-structured interview are adopted to have a holistic understanding of the glass ceiling type barriers in academia. The in-depth semi-structured interviews are conducted with 34 academic women who have different ...
  • Chaaya, Georges (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015-06)
    Anomaly detection is the process of finding outlying record from a given data set. This problem has been of increasing importance due to the increase in the size of the data and the need to efficiently extract those outlying records that can have important indications in real-life problems. Anomaly detection is applied in many different sectors. There are many approaches to solve the anomaly detection problem. However, those that are more widely applicable are unsupervised approaches as they do not require labeled data. The aim of this thesis is to study a well-known anomaly detection technique ...
  • Saliba, Pierre (Notre Dame University-Louaizé, 2013)
    After the financial crisis of 2008, the Basel committee on Banking Supervision announced the Basel III reforms that can increase the quantity, quality, consistency, and transparency of a bank’s capital. Banks can adjust to the regulatory reforms in a number of ways. In this paper, we assume that Lebanese banks seek to pass on any additional costs of meeting regulations by raising the loan rates. The aim of this paper is to study empirically the relationship between capital and lending spreads of banks operating in Lebanon, group alpha. Following the release of Basel III requirements, Lebanese ...

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