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  • Tauk, Ziad (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 2009-12)
    Retail space planning is an accurate and complex process affecting the overall performance of a retail environment. Such task, confronting large retailers consisting of huge malls and hypermarkets, appears infinite in the absence of a complete automated process, starting from the store plan generation, passing by the optimal product assortment and finishing with the product-to-shelf allocation problem. Moreover, the ever-changing factors affecting the retail space planning process, such as merchandising rules, competitive strategies and consumer behavior require continuous follow-up and optimization ...
  • Semaan, Charbel Youssef (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2007)
    The food service industry is booming in a very high speed these last few years and it is becoming more and more important and we see a lot of competitors in this field. One of the most important companies in the world is Catering Inc. this company is international and we see it in more than 80 countries around the world, one of its expansion is in Lebanon where it distributes healthy and prepared food for Universities and hospitals. As Mm-MBA student and a former worker in this company, we intended to develop this project with the hope of being a good example for an international ...
  • Sensenig, Eugene (Notre Dame University Press, 2019)
    PDF file (35 p.)
  • Salkoutou, Ngarobé (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2018)
    Education plays an important role in fighting poverty and to promote the development of many given society. It is also an important tool for empowering both women and men in the world. Schools in the rural areas of Chad are still experiencing a high rate of gender inequality and this can be testified by a low number of girls in various schools. The study reviewed the existence of gender inequality in secondary schools in Chad, causes and the effects on Chadian society and the ways of advocating gender equality. The research was conducted through the use of Descriptive Case Study Survey Design. ...
  • El Khoury, Pamela Dory (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2016)
    Implementation of celebrities in the cosmetic industry Celebrity endorsement in the cosmetic industry has been vastly growing nowadays. This research focuses on the impact of involving a well-known celebrity in advertising campaigns, and the influence it has on consumers' purchase decisions. A correlation relationship will further be explained between the cost of utilizing a celebrity in advertisement, and the effect it has on the sale of the cosmetic brand being endorsed. The analysis of this thesis was computed using a survey distributed upon a sample group of both genders and three different ...
  • Sahakian, Joseph Ohannes (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2020-09)
    Ceratitis capitata or the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly) is a highly invasive and destructive pest due to its tolerance of various climatic and environmental conditions as well as broad host range, including hundreds of fruits and vegetables. Medfly has a great economic impact on fruit production, national market and world trade. The population in Lebanon has been on the rise since 2007 due to several factors including optimal climate and host conditions, insecticide resistance, and negligent regulatory and detection measures during fruit harvest and transportation. Medfly infestation in Lebanon ...
  • Zohrob, Patrissia (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    This paper about children’s literature and its translation focuses on translating two short stories from the book لأنها إبتسمت لي entitled Because She Smiled at ME by the author Mirna Dagher from Arabic to English. This thesis is composed of three parts; the first part is the literature review, which discusses the history and development of translation, the role of the translator, and the history and translation of children’s literature. The second part of my thesis includes the source text (ST) and the target text (TT). As for the third part, it is the analysis. This section of the paper consists ...
  • Ashkar, Rayan M. (Notre Dame University, 2017)
    A current survey by UNHCR counted 65 million refugees worldwide. Many of them are seeking security and improved economical chances in industrial countries. The overwhelming numbers took most of the European countries and governments by surprise. Despite international moral and humanitarian obligation, refugee welcome culture and integration policies are nonetheless facing many challenges when confronted with the day to day reality. Refugees and asylum seekers from Syria make up the largest group of arrivals in Germany both in 2015 and 2016. Learning the language, one of the most important factors ...
  • Donerian, Vatche M. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2010)
    The explosive growth of wireless as a communication medium offering exciting new business opportunities and demanding that wireless become a new channel of the marketing Communication mix. A study of the technology of the interactive television will be interesting because it helps researchers to understand the contribution of a new information technology for doing business. The aim of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how companies use interactive television in doing business. I will study the advantages and disadvantages of the interactive television and recommend its implementation ...
  • Zammar, Rebecca (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2020)
    Children in Lebanon suffer desecrations of their rights because governments fail to enforce laws and regulations and to generate the economic and social conditions essential for a better living situation for children. Despite the armed conflict that consumed the country and its institutions for a long time until 1989, Lebanon ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child relatively quickly. The CRC is a unique human rights agreement in that it safeguards not only the child's civil and political rights but that it also brings protection to the child's economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian ...
  • Al Ayash, Souad (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2020)
    Wild edible plants have attracted an increasing interest from researchers as they represent important inexpensive sources of nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins, as well as natural treatments for diseases. The genus Scorzonera includes about 170 species distributed worldwide, many species of this genus are either consumed as raw vegetables or cooked. In addition to their edible properties, some of the species ha ve been used in traditional medicine for various purposes. Nine species of the genus Scorzonera are found in Lebanon, with one of the nine species, Scorzonera Pheopappa ...
  • Baaklini, Elie S. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021-09)
    The Uighur dilemma has been debated for quite some time already. The global media discussed what is happening in the Chinese province of Xinjiang with several political analyses and special reports being disseminated throughout the globe. The studies done on this subject has been scarce, but when combining them together in a specific mold and with a targeted objective from a pinpoint angle it delivers the needed result, which is what this research has aimed at doing. The goal was studying the material that have been done on Xinjiang according to International Law with the aim of deducing whether ...
  • Mansour, Zebian J. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2019-06)
    While some film theorists are talking about a presumed death of cinema, others discuss a second golden age for TV. The current study proposes an argument that contemporary television series (as a product of post-modernism) are benefiting from cinema's previous achievements in order to upgrade their quality. To illustrate this idea, selected scenes and episodes from some narrative quality TV series are textually analyzed and compared to film theories of the three main film traditions in cinema's history (classical, modern, and post-modern). The genres of these shows follow the formulaic distinctions ...
  • El Hachem, Nancy (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2019-05)
    This research presents a study and a closer insight on the practice of citizen journalism and its effects on the profession in Lebanon. On Sunday May 6th 2018, a large dispute took place between two political parties running for the elections in Zahle- Lebanon: runner for the Popular Block, Mrs. Myriam Skaff and the Lebanese Forces. What triggers this study is the fact that the dispute was recorded by citizens while traditional media were absent. The videos were spread across social media, and afterwards, the Lebanese media interpreted the incident. The aim of this study is to stress on the ...
  • Abou Antoun, Reine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    The purpose of this research was to investigate the different purchasing clusters at the Lebanese organizational performance. In order to achieve this research objective, two research questions were addressed. (1) How are purchasing functions within Lebanese organizations classified? (2) How do purchasing functions at the Lebanese organizations affect performance outcomes? These research questions have been translated into the following two hypotheses (H1) Purchasing functions within Lebanese Organizations can be classified based on their level of involvement in strategic planning, status in the ...
  • Melki, Habib (USEK Press, 2009)
    Color and ornamentation are remarkable elements present trough diverse forms in the Lebanese architecture. Throughout history, Lebanon has been the crossroad of a variety of cultures and civilizations. Diverse currents coming from the East and the West including the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, the Greek, the Roman, the Franks, the Mamluk, the Ottoman rule and the French mandate carried new forms. Many concepts, new technologies and socio-cultural aspects merged with the local tradition to unfold into what we currently know as Lebanese architecture. The rich historic background contributed to ...
  • El Hadi, Rina Georges (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    Purpose - This research attempts to assess the perceived impact communication has on job prospects in Lebanon utilizing the theories of persuasive communication, heuristic-systematic processing, and halo effect. The topic is studied from both the job interviewer and the job interviewee's perspectives, for it focuses on communication during job interviews. Design/methodology/approach - Deductive in nature, this paper uses descriptive and inferential statistical methods. In order to collect data from both parties involved in job interviews, survey questionnaires targeting job interviewees are ...
  • Ayoubi, Amali Yassine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    The remarkable success of comparative advertising especially in Lebanon has sparked considerable discussions over the relative qualities and risks. Comparative advertising in the Middle East, European Union and United States has shown application of the rules and regulations of the governments through respecting the law of the community via its influence on consumer purchasing behavior which goes along with hypothesis one. This study has explored the position of the Lebanese market regarding comparative advertising through taking the opinions of some legal experts and practitioners in the field. ...
  • Jbara, Adib Mamdouh (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2008)
    Among the many schools in Lebanon, there has been a growing trend for some schools to adopt a new type of Baccalaureate in Lebanon-the International Baccalaureate. This phenomena warrants an investigation especially since the educational system in Lebanon already has a Baccalaureate program. In order to be able to better understand the reasons behind the implementation of a foreign baccalaureate like the International baccalaureate, we must first consider the qualifications of each Baccalaureate program. this study sought to detail both the International and Lebanese baccalaureates and then ...
  • Der-Ghazarian, Nelly (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2001)
    This thesis presents the important role of the foreign banks in Lebanon during the war and after the war until mid of year 2000. In spite of the significant role and the high customer perception of the foreign banks, their role has deteriorated due to high competition in the banking sector. Mergers and acquisitions within the local banks has created some giant banks, which are making the competition tough and pushing the sector few steps ahead, at the same time surviving as local bank in the market has become questionable for some banks. Alternatively, other foreign banks have arrived to the ...