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  • Kaddissi, Jeanette (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1997)
    This study presents a brief and a quick overview of the Islamic banking system which is finding its way as a new competitive system. Islamic banking is mainly directed towards fulfilling and respecting Islamic fundamental laws of monetary relations among Muslims. this study concisely summarizes services offered by Islamic banking, then determines potential problems that could be encountered by this new system in the Lebanese economy.
  • Salameh, Mario D. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1997-08)
  • Sensenig, Eugene (Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Gesellschafts- und Kulturgeschichte, 1998)
    This longitudinal survey provides an overview of 150 years of migration and labor policy in Austria, from the rule of Imperial Chancellor Klemens von Metternich to the country’s accession to the European Union in 1995. Taking the publication of the first in-depth analysis of Austrian labor migration policy in 1842 (Johann Vesque von Püttlingen, Die gesetzliche Behandlung der Ausländer in Österreich) as a point of departure, this study is based on a comprehensive overview of original national, regional, commercial, and labor union archives, as well as an exhaustive review of secondary literature ...
  • Tashjian, Azadouhi (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1998)
    This project presents the study of environmental and economic benefits of recycling dead lead-acid batteries. Its first objective is to examine the impacts of recycling on resource recovery, physical environment and health. The second objective is to examine the impacts of recycling on employment, foreign exchange earnings or savings, price of lead, and profit.
  • Abou-Jaoude, Abdo Milad (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1998-05)
  • Mina, Jean G. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1998-07)
    The allocation problem is known to be NP-Hard in the most general case where both the number of modules and the number of processors is arbitrary, and it is also Np-Complete in some of the restricted cases. Also, the general scheduling problem, where no restrictions are imposed on the interconnection structure between modules, on the modules processing time and on the number of parallel processors, is NP-Hard in the strong sense. Even under some restrictions, the scheduling problem is NP-Hard. In some other restricted cases, it is known to be NP-Complete. In this thesis, we first review fifty ...
  • Bassil, Lily (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1998-07)
    "The Euro: Conditions & Realities" is a study that is focussed on the conditions or convergence criteria set for joining the euro zone.The peak point of reaching a European Union and more specifically an Economic Monetary Union lies in the attainment of a single currency area. In order to take part in the euro, the European Member States have to abide by the conditions decided upon in the Treaties. the conditions lay the foundations for a stable economic area where the different states' economic indicators converge. Not one of the convergence criteria can be ignored for each one is justified by ...
  • Doumit, Jacqueline; Frey, Jacques; Chamson, Annette; Perier, Christian (Springer-Verlag, 1999)
    The tracers L 15N-proline and L(1-13C)-leucine were used to explore the synthesis of skin proteins in vivo in rabbits. They orally received a single dose containing an equimolecular mixture of L(1-13C)-leucine and L15N-proline. The changes in the amounts of these tracers in blood and skin were monitored for a total of 8h. The data showed the appearance of the two tracers in blood within 15min and their clearance in 8h. They were both rapidly (15min) incorporated into skin proteins, but more proline was incorporated than leucine. We therefore consider L 15N -proline to be a better tracer than ...
  • Al Semaani, Toni (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    In today's highly competitive global marketplace, many manufacturers are seeking lower cost, higher quality processes in order to increase productivity and enhance flexibility. Many of these manufacturers seek a solution with lower paid workers by either importing them or moving manufacturing operations to low wage locations. Often this is done with disappointing results. Low labor costs are often offset by high turnover rates, low productivity, poor quality of work, high training costs, and high travel and transportation costs. An alternative solution for many manufacturers is automated ...
  • Shammas, Shady J. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    Over the last few years, LAN technologies have been driven by the need to support an increasing number of users as well as bandwidth intensive applications. As new and existing network applications evolve to embrace high-resolution graphics, video and other rich media types, pressure is growing at the desktop, the server, the hub and the switch for increased bandwidth. All this has led to new network protocols needed to support the amount of information required. In this thesis, we will briefly review conventional networking protocols and internetworking devices. Then we present a table comparing ...
  • Boutros, Rania A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    A well known problem with wormhole-routed packet networks is the potentially large amount of blocking that packets can experience due to link contention. Because of the very limited amount of buffering in such networks, blocked packets remain in the network and keep using network resources. Thus, blocked packets may in turn cause other packets to be blocked. This may affect a large number of packets over a large portion of the network. Proper connection management strategies and appropriate protocols must be devised to ensure that blocking of packets due to link contention is bounded. In [3], ...
  • Samoury, Aline (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    This research studies motivation, compensation and job satisfaction of employees in an Industrial Holding Group in Lebanon named XYZ Group, where no similar study was done before. Since motivation of employees improves performance, employees should be supported morally and financially in order to reach job satisfaction that will in turn act as motivation. Consequently, the effects of motivational factors upon performance and, compensation, with the effect of motivation upon job satisfaction, is tested thoroughly.
  • Samrani, Anwar (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
  • Balian, Armen A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    In this thesis, automatic segmentation of liver veins from ultrasound slices is implemented and further rendered into 3D image to assist the medical doctor to more accurately apply any study intended on the liver. The main part of this study is the texture analysis since it is the hardest problem in common. As a start, 4 different techniques in texture analysis have been introduced, the Spatial Gray-level Dependence Matrices (SGLDM), The Fourier Power Spectrum (FPS), The Gray- Level Difference Statistics (GLD), and Law's Texture Energy Measure (TEM). Each of these methods have been discussed ...
  • Gebara, Veronique (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    The study of the relationship between population growth and human development in Lebanon for the period between 1990 and 1997, is divided into two major parts. First, I studied the relationship between population growth and each of the four components of HDI; education, health, revenue, and freedom. The analysis showed that the relationship between population growth and education; mainly adult literacy and school enrollment, for the sample data under study remains inconclusive. According to health; calculated as the average between crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, and crude death rate, ...
  • Zgheib, Moussa (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    Throughout the war period in Lebanon, the apple refrigeration industry suffered from destruction and disorganization. After the war, the reconstruction plans did not include this industry. Therefore, a chaotic construction of small non-developed refrigerators took place in different regions based on the financial interests of the owners. Further, the quality of results in apple refrigeration was and continues to be a conflicting issue between the owners of the refrigerators and their clients. This study provides a survey and an evaluation of apple refrigeration and focuses on the gaps and short ...
  • Al-Halaby, Ramzi R. (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 1999-06)
  • Khalil, Nazih E. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999-07)
    Data Fragmentation is a heuristic problem in the design of a distributed database. Its purpose is to maximize the locality of reference, minimize data access at remote site, and to decrease the number of disk accesses in the system. In this thesis, we review the design a homogeneous distributed database. As the design is a heuristic problem, we also review a number of algorithms suggested as solutions to the three types of fragmentation: vertical, horizontal or mixed. Next, we propose that a previously implemented routine entitled "a transaction-based vertical partitioning algorithm" can be ...