This project was made possible through the collaboration of LWP funded by USAID. The purpose is twofold: a proposition of a successful advertisement that can be used in a media campaign to highlight the importance of water conservation awareness, as well as suggesting the best medium to carry out such a campaign. The deliverables of the report are the following: creation of two advertisements, and three messages, along with empirical evidence to further understand which advertisement, message and medium are the most effective in addressing the issue investigated. In Lebanon, according to the FAO ASQUASTAT1 database the total water withdrawn annually is below the water scarcity threshold. This grave problem lends its way for finding solutions. One way to tackle this issue is not only by making the public aware, but also to attempt at influencing their attitudes and behavior. Media can be used in order to spread awareness about certain social issues impacting the country and its citizens. For that reason, a media campaign is created and tested in this research initiative in order to effectively reach the public.