This paper examines the impact of daylight performance on classroom orientation in Beirut district and its suburbs. Daylight conditions in educational buildings have been of interest since the discovery of artificial light in the nineteenth century. Classroom orientation is crucial in optimizing daylight performance, which can positively impact student health, learning achievements, and psychology. In Lebanon, Government Decree No. 90911 recommends classrooms to have a southern orientation, with the longest part of the southern facade facing south. However, the decree does not provide any further guidance on the building envelope or considers the different climatic zones in Lebanon. This research aims to evaluate the impact of classroom orientation on daylight performance in the Beirut district and its suburbs, particularly in the coastal zone, and compare Government Decree No. 9091 with current trends and sustainable strategies. The study applies a theoretical approach and simulations for several case studies to obtain tangible results regarding the amount of natural daylighting that can be reached from the southern facade and the impact of energy conservation measures. The findings provide insight into the effectiveness of Government Decree No. 9091 on classroom orientation in the Lebanese coastal zone and the potential for sustainable strategies to optimize classroom design. They also shed light on the impact of different building envelope parameters on daylight performance in this environment. The study highlights the significance of appropriate classroom orientation and natural light on student well-being and learning outcomes. The findings offer valuable insights for policymakers and educators seeking to enhance the learning environment in the Lebanese coastal zone and other similar regions.
M.A. -- Faculty of Architecture, Art and Design, Notre Dame University, Louaize, 2023; "A thesis presented to the Faculty of Architecture, Art and Design in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Sustainable Architecture - Concentration Sustainable Architecture."; Includes bibliographical references (132-144 pages).