• Karam, Myriam A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2016)
    Studying and analyzing local perceptions of peacekeeping missions have recently headed the forefront of United Nations peacekeeping objectives. UNIFIL which has been present for more than 35 years in Southern Lebanon has long sought to interact with the local population within an environment that is politically and economically challenging. This paper aimed at studying the perception of the local population towards UNIFIL. By reviewing the long years of interaction since the mission’s inception in 1978, UNIFILs’ humanitarian services and projects created a climate of positive interaction within ...
  • Bou Farraa, Sayed G. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2016)
    The focus of this thesis research revolves around two hypotheses in an attempt to find out which is more accurate in today’s globalized and industrialized world. The first hypothesis looks at oil as bringing harm to the Arab world, while the second one considers oil as being a blessing and a tool of development. Oil, despite the numerous benefits and blessings that it brought to the Arab world, according to scholars, has also had a negative impact on the political landscape and socioeconomic conditions of several Arab Countries. This research intends to highlight the pros and cons related to ...
  • Angelini, Manuella (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022)
    The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine war and the United States' behaviors and actions during the Ukraine crisis in order to understand why the conflict resulted in a geopolitical power struggle. Because the current debate is rife with biased information and propaganda, this thesis seeks to objectively observe the behaviors and actions of both sides in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of their roles in the crisis. It is qualitative because it investigates this specific conflict using multiple sources to gain an in-depth understanding ...
  • Romero Reyes, Ramon Tonatiuh (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    This thesis intends to demonstrate that the so-called 'War on Terrorism" is used by the United States as an instrument of its foreign policy to promote changes in the Middle East. The two main pillars of this strategy are: the promotion of democracy and the fight against terrorism. However, an assessment of the policy shows that it has failed. It has failed so far to control and/or eliminate terrorist groups and the Global Jihad. It has failed mainly because of the lack of a clear evidence to prove the fact that the promotion of democracy will help to control terrorism or to induce ...
  • Frangieh, Nehman Sarkis (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    The first cooperative efforts toward international action were made in the twentieth century in order to prevent the spread of diseases from one region to another. The subsequent institutionalization of these efforts gave birth to the World Health Organization. As the necessity for a single worldwide health system came to be recognized and felt as a pressing need to preserve the highest standards of health, WHO was seen as a way to satisfy this need. Also, the concept of "health for all", embodied by WHO, is fundamental to the attainment of peace, welfare and security of nations. The assumption ...
  • Lebiar, Anita A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    Four days after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on the 2nd of August 1990, the Security Council subjugated Iraq to a series of financial and trade sanctions. Since then, comprehensive and partial sanctions became the security Council's favourite arm-twisting tool used at sixteen instances and against eleven countries compared to only two cases during its first forty-five years of operation. Economic sanctions fall theoretically somewhere between diplomacy and war. Their effectiveness as a coercive measure depends on multiple parameters concerning the socio-economic structure of the sanctioned state. ...
  • Khatcherian, Garine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    The expansion of e-government applications since the 1990s has led many countries in the developing world to follow the advanced industrialized societies in using e-government as an enabling tool to achieve reform goals. Lebanon is implementing e-government initiatives as part of international efforts to integrate the developing world in the information society. With corruption plaguing the country, this research aims to examine if the government in Lebanon is taking steps to tackle this rampant problem through e-government projects, and to assess the nature of such projects and the level of ...
  • Dibo, Ziad A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
  • Abou Naoum, Sitrida (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-09)
    Exchange rates are one of the most important aspects of the economic health in a country. This study examines how the political history of Lebanon and its geo-political connection to the region's turbulence, have played a major role in its current severe currency crisis. One of the study’s aims is also, to find out the reasons behind the current Lebanese political and economic crisis. The scope of this research is limited to the period 1989-2022. Using an International Political Economy IPE approach, Laissez-Faire Economy (Free Market Capitalism), and State Capture theories, the study explores ...
  • Youssef, Imad Milad (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    As the world enters the information age, countries has undertaken extensive study of the "Revolution in Military Affairs" and information warfare. This thesis examines the implications of information warfare tactics and techniques for terrorism. It explores the possibility that computers may revolutionize terrorism. Two concepts are often embodied in academic definitions of terrorism: violence and terror. By adding information warfare techniques, the definition of terrorism could be expanded to include "cyberviolence," the destruction or manipulation of computer information. The "violence" ...
  • Francis, Samer (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    In the last decade, many aspects of globalization have captured worldwide attention. But for more than a century, the driving force behind globalization has been the expansion of trade in goods and services . Trade liberalization is of major concern for developing countries following protectionist policies, since they are more vulnerable to total openness. The rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which was established in 1995, are based on the principles of free trade. These rules promote trade liberalization policies; this is why acceding to this international organization is of great ...
  • Kayrouz, Hanadi G. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    Iran is a major power in the Middle East and does play a major role in the region. It is the center of Shiism. It exerts its influence either as a supporter of militias and 'terrorist group' such as "Hezbollah" in Lebanon, Palestinians and others. It had historical feud with Iraq especially under the Sunni President Saddam Hussein. Presently this unfriendly conflict could change with the formation of an Iraqi Shiite government. By contract, Iran's anti western stands are unchanged since the Khomeini revolution. With its militant regime following the demise of the Shah, Iran aims at becoming ...
  • Farhat, Jeanne T. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2007)
  • Sensenig, Eugene; El Helou, Rouba (Notre Dame University, Louaize. Faculty of Law & Political Science, 2022)
    These five open access factsheets were created following a unique ‘base-superstructure’ dialectical approach. They are useful when working with participants both in training settings, as well as in self-taught learning programs. The goal is to establish the political economy of both sectarianism and coexistence as the foundation for studying Lebanon through following a systematically rigorous approach and analyzing social phenomena and practices. These factsheets are open educational resources (OER) and are intended for awareness raising and as a foundation for further study. Therefore the ...
  • Saliby, Rouba (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    The internet has let to major growth in the economy due to its new e-commerce trends along with the dynamics in the advertising industry. Although e-commerce is an important sector in the world of trading, it has its implications; the companies all over the world have to find solutions to such implications due to the fact that e-commerce is of major importance for companiesto promote and sell their products. The purpose of my paper is to highlight the importance of ecommerce in the world trading and propose a solution to the implications associated with trading via the net. I will start by ...
  • Nakhle, Anthony (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-11)
    The launch of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, in 2009, altered the traditional perspective that people held with regard to of financial transactions. Over the years, hundreds of cryptocurrencies have emerged and the realm of crypto (digital) assets extended its impact toglobal affairs whereas it affects domestic and international economics, politics, and the environment. Given the nature and potential of this technology, it has left a positive mark as wellas negative stains due to lack of regulation, falling prey to perversion and abuse with malicious intent to commit illicit activity. ...
  • Raad, Yara (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-11)
    International Non-Governmental Organizations' (INGOs) contributions to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a subject that has gained great attention within the academic and practical fields. The human rights INGOs have a leading role in contributing to the SDGs as recognized by the 2030 agenda with a particular focus on developing countries. Lebanon as a developing country has committed to the achievement of the 17 SDGs in 2015 and is considered on its average performance. The main role of INGOs in developing countries is to ensure that the 17 global SDGs can be translated from the ...
  • Antoun, Elie (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022)
    The Venezuelan crisis was filling the headlines during 2019, and took the world’s attention. The country that once was the wealthiest in Latin America suffers the worst economic crisis of a country that is not experiencing war since the 20th century. Diseases, collapse of institutions, destitution, and repression have led millions to flee the country to neighboring states. Venezuela, that sits on the largest oil reserves in the world, has the phenomenon called “the resource curse”, where the government is spending all the money coming from oil without injecting any back into the economy. The ...
  • Mallah, Amani N. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    This thesis was conducted to examine the impact of the evolution of FATCA on Lebanon. This study discusses the evolution of the U.S tax system, and its attempt to combat U.S tax evasion beginning with the Qualified Intermediary Program and ending with the U.S Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). Moreover, it entails the evolution of the FATCA regulations and analyzes this evolution with all the modification of these regulations. A detailed timeline of the evolution of the FATCA status as well as the projected timeline are highlighted. Interviews with four head of legal compliance officers ...

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