• Wakim, Tony H. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2000)
    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have gone a great way since it has started as a science. GIS is making headlines in a number of disciplines and, through its advancement, has improved our ability to model our real world. In the past years the need to support the storage and retrieval of dynamic changes, which occur to our data, has increased which consequently led to the interest in spatio-temporal behavior in GIS. These years have also seen the birth of several spatio-temporal data Models, whose aim is to support this spatio-temporal behavior. The main aim behind Spatio-Temporal support is ...
  • Yazbeck, Khalil Nazih (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2001)
    This thesis deals with the communication network performance of the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) distributed database system. The Automatic Vehicle Location system is used to real-time track the movement of vehicles, traveling along a large geographical area. The full control of the movement of these vehicles requires the use of many communication systems such as Global Positioning system, Packet switching network and distributed database systems including vehicle position databases. The main goal of this thesis is to minimize the update response time in a real-time fully replicated distributed ...
  • Shammas, Shady J. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999)
    Over the last few years, LAN technologies have been driven by the need to support an increasing number of users as well as bandwidth intensive applications. As new and existing network applications evolve to embrace high-resolution graphics, video and other rich media types, pressure is growing at the desktop, the server, the hub and the switch for increased bandwidth. All this has led to new network protocols needed to support the amount of information required. In this thesis, we will briefly review conventional networking protocols and internetworking devices. Then we present a table comparing ...
  • Azar, Edgard (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2004)
    The emerging field of wireless sensor networks combines sensing, computation, and communication into a single tiny device. Through advanced mesh networking protocols, these devices form a sea of connectivity that uses any possible communication path by hopping data from one node to another in search of its destination. While the capabilities of any single device are minimal, the collection of hundreds of sensors offers major new technological possibilities. Examples of usage scenarios for these devices are real-time tracking and security monitoring, issues that will be studied in this thesis. ...
  • Samia, Mireille I. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2001-06)
    Internet Multicast service extends the Internet point-to-point unicast delivery to a multi-point delivery. Multicasting means that a datagram is sent to multiple sites at more or less the same time. To support real-time multimedia, the minimization of delay without loosing the reliability of the network is required. To achieve this goal, we have proposed to change the architecture of a multicast one-stage network to a multicast hierarchical two-stage network. We have proved that by giving additional functionalities (such as back-up and error correction) to the intermediate sites (i.e. mrouters) ...
  • Mansour, Emile N. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2002)
    Mobility attracts many developers and system designers; it will give us the ability to use our computers with no physical limitations with respect to connections. This thesis will try to introduce the main concepts that define mobile computing in our days. It will identify the challenges that face mobile computing and their impact on current developments in this area. Location management and how the cellular networks function is defined and described. We will conduct a comparison between protocols in location management with respect to network messages and database operations. In the IS-41 model ...
  • Kamouh, Walid A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 2000-07)
    The internet is once again suffering from its own success. Since 1995, there has been a massive increase in demand for internet services, resulting in an exponential growth of the Internet. We have entered now an era where the users of the Internet are unable to obtain the bandwidth needed to support their applications, and they are experiencing high packet loss. Packet loss problem arises whenever the number of packets arriving at a given router is much higher than its buffering space. The main goal of this thesis is to find adaptive schemes capable of optimizing the communication network ...
  • Ibrahim, Rita Jack (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2000-06)
    In this thesis, we investigate the use of neural networks for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). First, we review the main elements of the theory of NP-completeness. Then, we explain what makes some problems computationally intractable. We review some heuristic approaches used to provide near-optimal solutions to NP-complete problems. Then, we introduce the topic of neural networks and describe some of the most popular neural network models. We pay a special attention to a recent model, named the Hybrid Neural Network model (HNN), used for solving optimization problems and the Hybrid ...
  • Abboud, Micheline (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005-04)
    The Grid initiative provides an infrastructure for distributed computation among widely distributed high-performance computers. This will allow for exchanging and processing very large amounts of data. There are a huge number of applications that are geographically distributed such as multi-point radio facility for astrophysics, space physics, atmospheric physics, and radio research, utilizing very high performance Grid Computing. It is expected that similar applications to become important in commercial settings, initially for scientific and technical computing applications and then for commercial ...
  • Nassar, Marc Gerges (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 2020)
    The HPG axis interacts with the Sertoli and Leydig cells to ensure the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. Environmental insults, which are becoming increasingly more common, affect the sensitive male reproductive system in harmful ways. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to, analyze a network of the paternally imprinted infertility genes shared between the HPG axis and the Sertoli and Leydig cells. With this network in place, we aimed to develop a cell culture system that would allow the evaluation of the effects of certain environmental contaminants such as mycotoxins on ...
  • Al-Halaby, Ramzi R. (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 1999-06)
  • Mina, Jean G. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1998-07)
    The allocation problem is known to be NP-Hard in the most general case where both the number of modules and the number of processors is arbitrary, and it is also Np-Complete in some of the restricted cases. Also, the general scheduling problem, where no restrictions are imposed on the interconnection structure between modules, on the modules processing time and on the number of parallel processors, is NP-Hard in the strong sense. Even under some restrictions, the scheduling problem is NP-Hard. In some other restricted cases, it is known to be NP-Complete. In this thesis, we first review fifty ...
  • Hajj Sleiman, Jana (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 2019-02)
    Exoplanets are planets orbiting stars other than our Sun. During their motion around their star, due to gravitational effects, and due to the planet’s thermal and reflective radiation, small variations in the lightcurve could be detected (Esteves et al. 2015). Phasecurves are small-scale variations in planetary flux that arise from an exoplanet’s motion around its host star. If detected, the phasecurve can lead to determining the planet’s mass, its albedo, and it can give us an idea about its atmosphere. In this work we aim to detect these variations in the data from the K2 mission. To do this we ...
  • Abou-Jaoude, Abdo Milad (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1998-05)
  • Jabbour, Joseph A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    The purpose of this thesis is to plan, design, and implement a real and complete lifetime solution for many applications to provide developers and designers with a strong and a good pattern for future development. We have developed a well structured solution, which is basically meant for helping anyone who is involved in the software development cycle in (i) separating the layers, as well as (ii) shortening the development time of the user interface layer, and (iii) controlling the flow of these interfaces. Not to forget (iv) helping the developer with the creation of the data entities, this ...
  • Akl, Imad M. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2002-06)
    This thesis uses the HITS algorithm as a basis to propose an interactive internet search engine. With the Web becoming a major source of information for many users, it became a necessity to be able to search the Web efficiently. The main problem resides with broad topic queries. These are queries for which a typical text-based search engine like AltaVista would return thousands of pages. A remedy for these situations was proposed by Kleinberg in his 1-IITS algorithm in which he uses the hyperlink structure of the Web as a major source of information about the contents of the Web. In this thesis, ...
  • Nehme, Mireille Hanna (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014-07)
    This study is part of a newly growing science in exoplanet characteristics. We present an initial attempt to investigate the relationship between the eclipse depth of giant exoplanets and the metallicity of their host stars to show the best eclipse depth-metallicity trend. This will help us to better understand the conditions that lead to giant planets formation, which helps to postulate about the formation of our Solar System and more generally the planet formation theories. Previous studies have shown that stars with giant planets tend to have higher metallicities than stars without giant ...
  • Der Sahaguian, Elias Ohannes (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2019)
    Low-Ionization Nuclear Emission-Line Regions (LINERs) represent the low luminosity end of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The main power source of LINERs is the subject of considerable debate in the scientific community today, despite the fact that some Liners show features of mass accretion into a super massive black hole (SMBH). Optical line-ratio diagrams are not conclusive diagnostic tools as they can be explained by different mechanisms, including shocks (Dopita et al. 1997[8]) and photoionization accompanied by outflow resembling accretion (Sabra et al. 2003[23]). This dissertation will ...
  • Hindieh, Pascale (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 2020)
    Sexual activity constitute in the life of the adolescent, a risk-taking and possibly health-compromising behavior. Since unfortunately, knowledge about sexuality is often acquired after sexual activity has begun, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) should be given high priority in health care and in education. Sexual education is an indispensable need, especially for adolescents, in order to protect them from irresponsible and non-conscious behavior. In the areas of adolescent sexual behavior, sexual education and knowledge, it is imperative and of paramount importance that the health-care ...
  • Mattar, Rebecca (2019-12-14)
    The aim of this thesis is to study the qualitative behavior of a specific non-linear Volterra integro-differential equation with finite delays by using Lyapunov's second method. The non-linear Volterra integro-differential equation is: $x'(t)=b(t)x(t-r_1)-\int_{t-r_2}^{t}a(t,s)g(x(s))ds,$ where $r_1$, $r_2$ are positive constants representing 2 finite delays, $t \geq 0$ and $a : \ [0,\infty) \times [-\tau, \infty) \rightarrow \R, \qquad \text{and} \qquad b : \ [0, \infty ) \rightarrow \R$ are two continuous functions. In the first part, we study the qualitative behavior of the constant ...

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