Department of Media Studies: Recent submissions

  • Ayoubi, Amali Yassine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    The remarkable success of comparative advertising especially in Lebanon has sparked considerable discussions over the relative qualities and risks. Comparative advertising in the Middle East, European Union and United States has shown application of the rules and regulations of the governments through respecting the law of the community via its influence on consumer purchasing behavior which goes along with hypothesis one. This study has explored the position of the Lebanese market regarding comparative advertising through taking the opinions of some legal experts and practitioners in the field. ...
  • Doumit, Pamela Badawi (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    It was Obama's 2008 brilliant campaign that shed light on the meaning and importance of a consistent political marketing campaign. It proved to have significant effects on people's voting behavior and it inspired many individuals including the author of this study who accordingly sought out answers on one main question: How can Lebanese political entities use the political marketing lessons developed from Obama's 2008 campaign and apply them in the Lebanese Context? The author conducted several interviews and examined various literatures to collect the necessary data and then interpreted them ...
  • Khabbaz, Nicolas (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2009)
    The main factor is pinning down the income of the Lebanese movie is piracy. Investors are not willing to spend their money in a high risk project if piracy is going to continue affecting negatively the revenues of films.the growth of the Lebanese cinema is facing many obstacles. The major one is the difficulty to finance a film because financiers do not consider the Lebanese cinema as an industry with potencial success. For them, investing in a movie is not a thriving business that makes fast profit or even any profit. A lot of Lebanese movies didn't make it "financially". The producers are still ...
  • Araman, Sygrid Robert (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    The aim of this study is to explore how Facebook’s platform is used in the grieving practices in Lebanon. In addition, it is supposed to reveal whether or not it soothes the five stages of grief, introduced by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross(1997): 1) Denial, 2) Anger, 3) Bargaining, 4) Depression, and 5) Acceptance, by incorporating the support of others. Results will show if a Lebanese virtual grieving outlet on Facebook is actually present and effective. Using variables such as feelings, the five stages of grief and gratification of human needs, two methods of research were used for this study, qualitative ...
  • Doumit, Aline Bechara (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    The objective of this study is to create an understanding of the importance of using Twitter in Lebanese retail companies and how it directly affects the customers’ buying decision. The aim is to define the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of Twitter that differentiate it from traditional marketing communication channels (TV. Press Ads, Billboards…), and from other Social Media tools (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram…). It is also about opportunities and challenges Twitter induces for communication. The paper explores the use of Twitter in communicating with current and potential ...
  • Koukou, Elise Elias (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    In recent years, the food and beverage industry in Lebanon has viewed children and adolescents as a major market force. As a result, children and adolescents are now the target of intense and specialized food marketing and advertising efforts, especially fast food companies. The Lebanese society has witnessed an increase in overweight children and diabetic ones. This increase is due to several factors related to the types of food marketed to this category of people: - Food captures 12.5% of Lebanese consumer spending and so there is vigorous competition within this industry - Food is a repeat-purchase ...
  • Chagoury, Victorine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2023-05)
    This study tackles the impact of self portrayal on Instagram on body image and self-esteem. Social media platforms have now become extremely diversified, having both positive and negative effects. Framing theory and hyper reality were used to help explain how social media platforms have made reality so hard to achieve by framing what they want to highlight and keeping a lot in the darkness. The quantitative research methodology was used because it is objective, and relies on concrete numbers which helps remove bias from the research. Results showed that the hypotheses stated weren’t completely ...
  • Mansour Hanna, Hani Elias (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2023)
    In this study, the researcher evaluated whether the media could influence the public's perception of individuals, stories, or to and create controversy in some cases in our society; and how the media should act to prevent such issues The research methodology used in this study to analyze the effect of media on individuals is comprised of both qualitative and quantitative methods. These methods are used to understand how individuals perceive different complexions and media coverage in court trials. Since vital factors are provided by both qualitative as well as quantitative market research, it ...
  • BouAoun, Jessica Eliane (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    Globalization and the recent technological advancements, such as smart phones, internet usage, social media and more, are contributing to the idea that our world is getting smaller by the minute. Different societies from all over the world are beginning to intertwine and as a result exposure to new cultures has become easier than ever through the use of different technologies, such as the Internet; and such exposure has played a role in a person’s cultural intelligence. Cultural Intelligence is a relatively new concept that has become increasingly popular within the last decade. Every individual ...
  • El-Hachem, Ghaith (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    This research studies the budget shift from traditional media to social media in advertising campaigns in Lebanon. The objective of this thesis is to highlight the impact of social media on its target audience and compare it to the traditional media’s effect while taking into consideration percentage of reach, cost and interaction. In addition, the literature review covered four studies created by different researchers, (1) the new recipe in marketing strategy, (2) “Happies” campaign on social media, (3) social media marketing: the evaluation study in the wellness industry, and (4) social media ...
  • Frem, Francis (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    Scholars have been increasingly concerned with portrayals of terrorism in mainstream and alternative media outlets. Although terrorism had previously received some scholarly attention, the political and policy ramifications of September 11 and subsequent terrorist threats or attacks on the European Union, the United States and the Middle East have prompted an even more immediate and voluminous response from scholars. Communication researchers have since focused on public response and reaction to terrorist attacks, definitions of terrorism, policy questions, media portrayals of terrorism, and ...
  • Majed, Raghed (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2016)
    Using framing theory, this study will examine how the United States (U.S.) government uses film as propaganda to justify its successful encroachment of Iraq and Afghanistan. After the U.S.’s failure to achieve its goals in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has been using the film medium to frame the images of the U.S. soldiers and represent them as patriotic and sacrificial, while distorting the image of both Iraqis and Afghanis. The propaganda film has always been used as a tool for mass manipulation by many nations, among them the U.S.. The films American Sniper, The Hurt Locker and Lone Survivor portray ...
  • Tebcharany, Maryse (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2016)
    “We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now were going to live on the internet!” This quote is taken from the Academy Award-winning film The Social Network (, 2010) and can be viewed as a representation of the current trends of our modern society. The rise of Internet usage and new technology is causing the world to move towards digital media which has led to the development and facilitation of blogs. Although the history of blogs is short, they have evolved into a valid and popular medium encouraging debates and allowing individuals to share their interests, provide suggestions, ...
  • Ashkar, Maree (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2016)
    Brands today have become experience centric where they focus on providing positive memorable journeys with their consumers to allow them to feel anything positive toward the brand, resulting in an emotional engagement. Consumers are also looking for the intangible value they find in brands and not just the tangible product. Their purchasing decision and choice are based on relating to the brand values and personality rather than just needing or wanting the product. With that said, brands need to add value to consumers through perception and brand image. With the focus on Instagram as the visual ...
  • Abdel Latif, Issamar (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-12)
    The Beirut port explosion on the 4th of August opened countless windows and endless stories. Simultaneously, the effects of this tragic incident imposed itself on media channels, whereby everyone knows that media institutions were and still are subject to the authority and controlled by politicians because they are the main financiers. Without financiers the media channels will collapse, so the viewer falls under the influence of “rating” or what is known as raising viewership, and whatever the circumstances of the event. This research will address the causes and methods of covering ...
  • Bachaalany, Chantal (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    The effects of e-games on children’s communications skills or social interactions as seen by their mothers has been rarely researched and investigated due to the novelty of the subject. Violence in games was the leader in research over the last few decades, until the invention of touchscreens. Many theories were discussed in order to describe the relationship between children and touchscreens (the Social Learning Theory, the Catharsis Theory, and the Cultivation theory). According to previous research and relevant theories, two research questions were raised. The first question sheds the light ...
  • Kouyoumdjian, Zaven (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    In the mis nineties, the Lebanese television went through a critical transitional phase as Lebanon was moving towards peace folowing 15 years of civil war. In this stage, an Audio Visual Media Law was introduced to regulate the ownership and opertion of the militia owned de facto radio and television stations. This law was the first of its kind in Lebanon and the Middle East. To cope with the country's media scene, the Lebanese television stations had to restructure themselves on the corporate level, reposition their status, and rethink their programming policies. This mission was accomplished ...
  • Chelala, Nathalie Maroun (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    Traditional media are a one-way conversation addressed by a company to consumers or to the public, whereas Social Media allow a real, balanced and unconstrained two-way conversation between the company and the world. This is why it is of no surprise that some believe that using social media in the marketing strategy can be somehow frightening. This is also why marketers, especially in Lebanon are still reluctant to use social media as part of their marketing mix. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how companies in Lebanon use social media as a marketing and branding tool in consumer ...
  • Char, Christel Antoine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2012)
    The thesis examines the visual and connotative representations of men in Lebanese print advertising. Historically, studies on female stereotypes in advertising and media have been conducted from every possible angle, but even after extensive research, I have found very few studies on male stereotyping in the same field. The reason behind that lies, I think, in the fact female stereotyping is more controversial and demeaning to women, while male stereotyping seems to be flattering and favorable to men. Controversy sells, and controversial subjects get a lot more attention than non-controversial ...
  • Akoury, Chahid Charbel (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2012)
    The surge in number of facebook users over the last years has been propelled by their needs for social integration, self-expression, and information seeking. This paper explored the motivations for using Facebook, and the gratifications Lebanese users derive from those uses. Moreover, this study examined the frequency of facebook participation of the Lebanese user. A literature review was done on the scholarly research covering the areas of social networking sites, new media and uses and gratifications theory. The theoretical framework was used to determine what are the motivations for Facebook ...

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