Department of Government and International Relations: Recent submissions

  • El Helou, Rouba; Sensenig, Eugene Richard (Notre Dame University, Louaize. Faculty of Law & Political Science, 2021)
    This report is based on media observation and monitoring executed by the Gender, Communication and Global Mobility Studies (GCGM) unit at the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLPS) at Notre Dame University – Louaize (NDU). The monitoring and data collection took over two months from 1 July until 31 August 2021. The overall objective of this summary report is to understand and analyze qualitatively how news reports in Arabic digital media are portraying stories related to internal security including feature articles or opinion pieces related to keeping peace and stability within Lebanon, ...
  • Abboud, Stephanie (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021)
    Lebanon, the second smallest state in the Middle East, has been influenced by numerous foreign interventions, of which most significant are those by, regional and global powers, the French Republic and the United States of America. Beyond their direct military presence in the past, both the US and France have been constantly accused of meddling in Lebanon’s internal affairs. In the past few years, the United States had been regularly imposing sanctions on Lebanese companies and individuals, whereas, more recently still, France was becoming directly involved in the Lebanese political crisis. ...
  • Sensenig, Eugene Richard; El Helou, Rouba (Notre Dame University, Louaize. Faculty of Law & Political Science, 2021)
    This study is a first of its kind attempt to integrate the questions of gender and youth into the debate on good governance in the extractive industries sector in the Middle East. This intersectional and diversity management-based approach is already being applied to other sectors of society as we reach the end of the climactic year 2021. We see this research as a contribution to the improvement of the living conditions for everyone in our crisis-ridden part of the world. The main message of this study remains relevant in particular when it comes to good governance and policies even under ...
  • Hanna, Zeina M. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2004)
    Political instability in Lebanon, caused by the tragic war that lasted over 25 years, inhibited and delayed all economic development. A new area of political stability conducive to development emerged soon after 1990. During this era, Lebanon commenced a completely new national economic recovery, a process that witnessed new construction in various infrastructural sectors, to including the courts, telecommunication, electric installations, airports, roads, etc. 1 As part of the Lebanese economic policy, the Lebanese government invites investors and tries to create for them an ...
  • Rashed, Huda Karim (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    The norm of self-defense in international law is so determinedly an inherent right that its precise meaning and justifications are rarely examined. Whatever the general merits of the norm, its retention seems fairly open to question when one sovereign state appears supremely unsecured facing a threat in terms of actual armed attack or imminent threat. This thesis studies the term and the case of a theoretical defense of the norm within the context of the state's use of force in pre-emptive self-defense - anticipatory self-defense. If a defense can be made when the supreme state's self-preservation ...
  • Baaklini, Elie S. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021-09)
    The Uighur dilemma has been debated for quite some time already. The global media discussed what is happening in the Chinese province of Xinjiang with several political analyses and special reports being disseminated throughout the globe. The studies done on this subject has been scarce, but when combining them together in a specific mold and with a targeted objective from a pinpoint angle it delivers the needed result, which is what this research has aimed at doing. The goal was studying the material that have been done on Xinjiang according to International Law with the aim of deducing whether ...
  • Harfouche, Joelle (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021-05)
    The principle of the independence of the judiciary, as protected by international and regional apparatuses for the promotion and fortification of human rights, is indispensable to the existence of the rule of law. To guarantee independence in executing legal standards and safeguarding respect of citizens’ rights, the Judiciary must be impartial and independent of the two other legislative and executive powers. However, the judiciary in Lebanon lacks independence and the purpose of this study is to build a framework for understanding the dynamics of the lack of judicial independence in Lebanon. ...
  • Jardak, Riwa Bahij (2021)
    Mesopotamia back then, Iraq and neighbors today were the Cradle of Civilizations, all the first firsts were born there, first concept of cities and villages, first law, philosophy, arts, ceramics, the concept of religion and construction of temples, concept of politics, sciences and technology, medicine and literature were also created first in Mesopotamia as well as the creations of the beer and the wheel. This Civilization exported all its creation to the world, philosophy, literature, science, technology, medicine, arts, education, industry, and manufacturing were all exported from Mesopotamia ...
  • Naoum Sawaya, Amal (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021)
    The topic of Irish unity has recently resurfaced to the headlines, after Brexit began in 2016. The dissertation was motivated by the pursuit to analyze the prospects of Irish unity, its timeline, and the factors affecting unity. In order to achieve the goal of the dissertation, an analytical approach was used to study historical, economic, social, and political indicators in Northern Ireland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. These indicators form a cohesive picture regarding the possibility of Irish unity after Brexit. The dissertation finds that Irish unity was re-triggered ...
  • Bou Khalil, Joe-Anna (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2020)
    This study presents and analyzes the political and legal aspects of the violations committed by Israel regarding the Palestinians’ right to water. The study introduces the geography of Palestine and its water sources; tackles the historical background underlying the value and significance of water in religious and Zionist thought; assesses the political impact of the recognition of Palestine as a nonmember observer state in the United Nations on Palestinian water rights; evaluates the legal dimensions of the Israeli violations of the Palestinian people's right to water resources starting ...
  • Nassar, Nivine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2020)
    The twenty-first century cyberspace offers unprecedented opportunities for prosperity and development, but also a series of new and evolving threats to international peace, security, and human rights. For some years now, there have been sustained efforts from civil society groups across the world to harness the Internet for human rights causes. However, by publicizing human rights abuses in near-real time to mass audiences, the new uses of digital technologies may also challenge the legitimacy of the international legal order itself, especially if states are not able to action their legal ...
  • El Khoury, Gebran Youssef (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1994)
  • El Hindy, Elie K. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2001-06-25)
    Throughout its history, Lebanon has had diverse relations with a multitude of countries. Many of these relations faded away, others have changed drastically. However, one that has remained little changed and is today as strong as ever, is the relationship with the Holy See. This makes any observer wonder about the reasons for this solid relationship. While reviewing the long years of the history of the relationship between the two countries, this paper aimed at showing how stable and unchanged the Holy See diplomacy was in Lebanon. To do that, it was necessary to start from the very beginning, ...
  • Metrebian, Seza Z. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2003)
    The United States has direct interests in the Middle East due to the region's strategic and economic importance in the world. Following the end of the World War II, with the newly acquired American supremacy in the Middle East, several principle concerns made the region crucial to the US¹. First, beginning in the 1950s there was a bipolar competition between the U.S. and the threat of confrontation in the Middle East. The US was threatened by the Soviet Union, a nuclear power, perceived as having expansionist goals, which, if not contained, would lead to serious consequences. Since World War ...
  • Assaf, Susan Lynn (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1995)
    This thesis assesses the changing dynamics of covert action as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy. Four primary variables are researched in the context of the Cold War period and the emerging new world order. These variables include: (1) the broad characteristics of the international environment that guide relations between international actors; (2) the primary U.S. foreign policy objectives as examined through presidential doctrines; (3) the acceptance of interventionism in both domestic and international domains, and; (4) moral considerations in the policymaking process of a democratic ...
  • Bassil, Janet (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1995)
  • Labaky, Sabine Y. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1997)
    Nationality issue goes back to the early dawn of mankind. It was formed with the creation of state. Therefore, nationality is directly related to the municipal law of each and every state. Nationality problem arise from these different nationality definitions. Some of these problems were dealt on international basis; however, no supreme power could implement these solutions whats over beneficial. Lebanon is one of the states that is still dealing with nationality issue. Lebanon has an old body of rules taken from the French legislation and was not yet adapted to the Lebanese situation which ...
  • El Asmar, Carla B. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2004)
    Even though there is a strong disagreement in the Lebanese political system over what precisely leadership is; most agree it remains the basic and key factor in the quality of performance and effectiveness of Lebanese institutions. It is generally asserted that the Lebanese government, the private sector's socio-economic conditions, and education, would improve much under a competent leadership. The study of leadership is not a mathematical or scientific application of rules and logarithms, rather it is an art. It is the art of influencing and motivating followers to achieve common goals ...
  • El Meouchy, George (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2004)
    The formation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been hailed as one of the most significant developments and achievements toward the goal of achieving peace and justice for humality. The birth of this permanent international court has been very tedious and difficult, not to mention controversial. It is yet to be seen how the ICC will function and carry out its duties under the existing climate of political, security and legal apprehension. The objectives of my thesis are first to present a historical background made to establish the different International criminal Courts with an ...
  • Zammar, Rebecca (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2020)
    Children in Lebanon suffer desecrations of their rights because governments fail to enforce laws and regulations and to generate the economic and social conditions essential for a better living situation for children. Despite the armed conflict that consumed the country and its institutions for a long time until 1989, Lebanon ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child relatively quickly. The CRC is a unique human rights agreement in that it safeguards not only the child's civil and political rights but that it also brings protection to the child's economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian ...

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