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Theses and Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations


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  • Khairallah, Jad (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    My dissertation explores the influential power of visual culture in reforming how we aesthetically behave with relation to contemporary television images. This influence depends on psychological and cultural structures that are linked to the television imagery, and more precisely to visually disturbing images. The approach to this question aims at examining a new aesthetic generated by the means of its television persona. I intend to tackle this by, first, drawing on the meaning of the weird and strange imagery that underlies the new aesthetic. Second, to recognize the new aesthetic tangible ...
  • Bezirjian, Aline Grace (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    This research presents the problem of Arabic illustrated picture books in the Lebanese market that need to be enhanced in relation to the design and illustration aspects for children aged five to seven. The aim of this thesis is to increase readership and learning in the Arabic language among children in Lebanon and guide illustrators in enhancing the quality of their picture book illustrations. Several aspects appropriate for the development of picture book illustration guidelines for children were reviewed including communication through visual language, the contemporary approach of including ...
  • Jurdi, Janan (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2017-01)
    This research intends to uncover the relationship between learning environments and pupils’ academic outcome. What difference would the qualities of light and air make in the actual academic ambiance and in the process of transforming incoming students into active learners? With theoretical foundation, the research proceeds to look at the integration of green principles of design inside classrooms and their effects on pupils’ achievement. What do students really need? According to recent pedagogy research, some of these needs mainly are comfortable thermal and visual conditions, and healthy ...
  • Habib, Massoud George (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    People with low vision form a user group that graphic designers and visual communicators often fail to address. Product packages are just one example of a design output that may not need of low vision clientele. This study consolidates and summarizes literature relevant to the design needs of people with low vision including literature on inclusive design, visibility of colors and pictures, readability and legibility of type and packaging semantics. The aim of this thesis is to set guidelines for packaging designers and introduce the needs of people with low vision in their design practices. To ...
  • Moubarak, Rita (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2016)
    Durability is a term that has widely affected the design industry in general and the graphic design industry in particular over the last decade. It has given the design profession in general a problem-solving aspect and a fundamental role in creating and promoting more responsible design solutions. In the graphic field, a logo design plays a partial but important role in the communication of an identity: A logo is for “identification” of a business or product in its simplest form. Case studies show that logo design is not durable. It is periodically re-designed, as an attempt to update the ...
  • Chamoun, Marlyse (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2012-01)
    This thesis observes the readability and the legibility of the selected fonts and sizes in the information web pages by the performance of web designers and how this issue may affect the rate of comprehension while reading on screen. It considers how four different fonts may influence the rate of comprehension, the typefaces Georgia, Verdana with their sizes 8, 10, and 12 pt, which are made to be read on screen in information web pages in comparison to those of Arial and Times new Roman that are displayed on the web pages on computer screens by the web designers. A problematic question was raised ...
  • Achaa, Millie (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    I have read in Aidoo’s Dilemma of a Ghost that it is sometimes assumed by the west that Africans were incapable of coherent reasoning. With this ambiguous implication, one is forced to conclude that, this meant that African ethnicities and their visual art designs lacked the matter and the form which made the other groups of mankind supposedly think more logically. I intend to dispel such myths as far as Acholi of Uganda are concerned by introducing a peak look through the designs of living expressed in the Acholi ethnicity. I hope, through this little work that scholars of other academic ...
  • Melki, Henry (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015)
    As technology evolved, its user reliance increased in many domains as it provided a range of new opportunities in the process of creativity and design. The notion concerning whether these advancements are improvements or not, is debatable since they gave certain results but were also the reason behind the emergence of a new problematic. In the field of animation, it is not strange to see the re-occurring term “The Uncanny Valley” in critiques of realistically animated films. This term was proposed by Dr. Masahiro Mori to describe a drop in likeness of realistically rendered characters after they ...
  • Hamwi, Sarah Abed El Kader (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    The issue of health is a major concern for most people; therefore, I have chosen a field that combines this concern with my discipline, namely, design. This project will tackle the issue of nutritional facts label design, which has a direct correlation with consumers' health, since, according to the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), the nutritional facts label is the source of information that communicates the serving size and lists the weights of the macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, protein) of the recommended dietary allowance of a 2000-calorie diet (the average of calories required per ...
  • El Khoury, Leyla (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013)
    Preoccupied with the Arabic language’s complexity, and striving to find one common pointer of educational strength, this thesis, epistemological in its core, deals, manifestly with typographic issues. Nevertheless, it engages in the cultural, psychological, and neurological in order to serve the educational. It builds upon substantiated historical study of the genetic descent of the letters in general and the Arabic alphabet arbitrariness in particular with their respective cross-cultural interpretations along with related criticisms. From the naïve Cuneiform system of writing to the most elaborate ...
  • Farhat, Tina (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021)
    Public schools guarantee education that is invariably available to pupils, even to those who have financial difficulties. Being easily accessible, attending such schools has remained high until today; in 2019, US public institutions educated over 50.8 million scholars, to which the national average number of pupil per public school was about 526 scholars (Brian D. Ray, 2021). Conversely, public schools in Lebanon do not enclose such high number of students due to their unsatisfactory reputation: most of these schools are in bad conditions, outdated, and have limited classroom resources. Also, ...
  • El Hage, Yasmin Hamze (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2018)
    Many university students work in poorly designed facilities and these environments negatively affect them, by causing physical discomfort and posing a threat to their wellbeing. Additionally, studies show that the physical environment can affect students’ wellbeing, satisfaction, and productivity. This research explores the effect of desks in educational facilities on students’ wellbeing. It proposes to address the characteristics of desks that would enhance physical wellbeing among students through a despecialized approach. The research investigates the current state of desks within the three ...
  • Abi Fadel, Aline (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021)
    [MOTIVATION] Throughout history, art and aesthetics have been a fundamental part of human life. Our ancestors carved their life stories in caves, and temples, whereas in our postmodern society, individuals have become detached from art and began observing rather than understanding its aesthetic reactions. Art reflects life occurrences, believes and fantasies. This study will tackle the following questions: To which extent can art generate erotic fantasies and aesthetics on canvas? Which notions and techniques in erotic abstract painting may be used to project, and visualize aesthetics of one’s ...
  • Barakat-El Asmar, Patricia (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2007)
    February 14, 2005, a day to remember for the Lebanese. Prime Minister (PM) Rafik Hariri was assassinated in a car explosion in Beirut. Hariri was always a popular figure but his assassination led him to symbolic status. Mass demonstrations followed, called the Cedar Revolution by the US State Department, Christians and Muslims together demanded their freedom from Syria's grip. But in disagreement, Lebanon's "largest religious group, the Shia, remain[ed] alienated". Along with the demonstration and other reactions of the people was yet another unique way to protest, this being to write graffiti ...
  • Al Baba, Rana A. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2018-06)
    Place is a word that speaks for itself - a concept both simple and complicated that allows the cultural elite to savour city's life. We can see many manifestations of a certain place; it is what we call "place of memory", where participating in certain activities expresses the spirit of such places. Place and memory intersect together so that every place has a memory, and each memory is related within a place. Memory and its representations touch very significantly upon questions of identity, nationalism, power and authority. This is what Tim Cresswell (2004) discussed fully in his introduction ...
  • Boukaram, Natalia Lyzanne (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2018)
    It is widely acknowledged that video games can provide an engaging, motivating, and fun experience, but their capacity to constitute learning experiences is less known and their learning experiences are usually an accidental side effect. The digital gaming community has branched over to games that aim to leverage the power of play to support specific activities, such as therapeutic, educational, or organizational training activities; called serious games. After reviewing underpinning theories, key literatures, and challenges and issues involved in the process of serious game design; it is quickly ...
  • Nasr, Riham Houssam (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2020)
    Technology is altering human communication and their lifestyle. It helped in spreading information and made it more focused for serving human needs. This technological revolution was known as the “information age” which had a dramatic impact on our culture, in terms of making life much easier. The digital revolution changed a lot in the ways we communicate and we interact. Living in the digital age, people are being exposed to a brand-new power; the digital power. Social media gives the opportunity to bring politics closer to people and creates an atmosphere that is incredibly informative and ...
  • Najm, Michel (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 2019-06-26)
    Starting with an interest taken in the immersive quality of images, this thesis looks at immersive visuals, a set of formal aspects that instigate a sensation of spatial presence in the audience. In particular, it focuses on a contemporary visual effect found in mainstream cinema dubbed “movie-ride” effect. Although the literature shows the historical importance of immersive images, it falls short of thoroughly discussing the “movie-ride” effect and its immersive qualities. To that end, this thesis presents a technical and thematic reading of said effect, to a purpose of reading it as an immersive ...
  • Saleh, Yasmin (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2019)
    It is evident that home is not an object, a building, but a diffuse and complex condition that integrates memories and images, desires and fears, the past and the present. This thesis focuses on ornamental motifs especially the wheat motif that is unique and that is mostly found in the Bekaa. Each country or region has a local motif that individuals have used to decorate their dwellings. Due to the sparse knowledge concerning local ornamental motifs in Lebanon and the Bekaa specifically and the globalization of design and pattern there has been a serious decline in the use of local motifs and ...
  • Mikhael, Julia (Notre Dame University-Louaize., 2009-06)
    Social and political aspects in Lebanon were considered as an essential factor in Lebanese architecture style modification. The shift to modern architecture and design were the outcome of lifestyle’s commercial events and foreign rules. In this prospect, many Lebanese architecture elements and prototypes waned as a result of this shift to modern architecture and change of lifestyles. One essential element/prototype was the Central Hall house, which was the social core of the Lebanese family. Thus, Central Hall, valued as a national Lebanese heritage, faded progressively, eliminating the central ...

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