Theses and Dissertations: Recent submissions

  • Ghoussoub, Elissa (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-05)
    The dissertation studies the relationship between art and human rights in post-apartheid South Africa. The conducted research reveals the role that art plays towards the human rights in the new South African nation emerging from the oppressive regime of apartheid. In some cases, post-apartheid South African art plays a positive role towards the human rights mission. These cases include highlighting the sexist-racist oppression that black women experienced during apartheid and engaging in the transitional justice of South Africa from apartheid to democracy. In other cases, post-apartheid South ...
  • Abouarab, Jessy (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    The concept of Collective security was created to oversee that human rights and global peace are maintained in this ongoing struggled for power. As an organization, the United Nations was created to manage collective security in order to prevent global conflict. The notion of peace keeping was created as one of the counter solutions to any threat to global peace. Peace keeping operations constitute a compromise between peaceful settlement and joint imposition. Knowing the theoretical context and framework of the United Nations' Chapter Six and Chapter Seven is a must for a better knowledge of ...
  • Eid, Grace George (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-06)
    Violence against women and girls (VAWG) is marked as a widespread and continuous human rights violation worldwide. Although several efforts and advancements have been made in combating, preventing and protecting women and girls from violence – both on the international and national level – VAWG remains a global problem. This thesis aims to test the applicability of the monist theory amidst an institutionalized culture of impunity through assessing the effectiveness of the Lebanese legal framework regarding gender-based violence against women and girls and its compliance with international ...
  • Nachabe, Chadi (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    The main purpose of this study is to uncover the extent to which Lebanese civil society can contribute to social and political changes and be an agent to the democratization process. The study also aims at presenting an appraisal of the reality of the Lebanese civil society in terms of advocating for changes and reforms according to civil society activists through the case of the “Civil Campaign for Electoral Reform “(CCER). The study contributes to the growing body of research on the role of civil society in democratization process. Interviews were conducted with organizers of CCER in Lebanon ...
  • El Dali, Katia (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    The objectives of this thesis is to offer contributions and solutions to the rehabilitation and reform of local government, the legislative branch (the Parliament) and the bureaucracy as the three essential vehicles entrusted to advance Lebanon's developmental goals. It displays the various experiences and efforts in fostering "good governance" in Lebanon especially as it relates to the empowerment of local authorities and fostering appropriate decentralization measures. This research is divided into five chapters. The first one provides an overview of the historical development of the lebanese ...
  • El Khoury Gebrayel, Johnny Boulos (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021-12)
    Persons with disabilities have the same rights and needs as others and face the same challenges. The following study is concerned with how persons with disabilities in different countries, especially in Lebanon, are being treated and the obstacles they face when they are integrated with the private and public sectors. The paper will highlight the discrimination in the field of work that involves disrupting equal opportunities to establish a working relationship and enjoy all rights in this field. The present study indicates the importance of education and the role of public and private schools ...
  • Bijjani, Talal Nassif (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2004)
    The global world we're witnessing nowadays has reshaped many or most of the concepts we thought of as indispensable. Globalization has turned the whole world into a small village, cutting down boundaries, and opening channels which were inconceivable just a few years back: free movement of knowledge, thought, inventions, creations, and ideas have become commonplace. International trade has not been an exception. It too has been radically changed by this phenomenon called globalization. At the essence of international trade lies intellectual property trade. Therefore its protection has become ...
  • Mahfouz, Fady J. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    For most of this century, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has been the world's leading organization in the field of international commercial dispute resolution. Established in 1923 as the arbitration body of ICC, the International Court of Arbitration has pioneered international commercial arbitration as it is known today. The Court took the lead in securing the worldwide acceptance of arbitration as the most effective way of resolving international commercial disputes. Since its creation, the Court has administered well over 14 000 international arbitration cases involving parties ...
  • Darouni, Joelle (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2004)
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the mass media and its effects on the Lebanese society, and precisely on the young population. Our aim in this to pinpoint and focus on the relationship of entertainment media along with violence, sexual and unethical development of the youth, during childhood and adolescence. We shall take into consideration the difficult challenges that are facing the Lebanese society and affecting its youth, whether positively or negatively. Our main objectives are to propose some fruitful and efficient solutions to the problems, in addition to some ...
  • Aoun, Samer (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    In the Middle East, water is at the centre of both physical and spiritual life. However, water is scarce and hence of conflict between the states involved. the scarcity problem is worsening over time with an increasing population and an increasing welfare level, both of which increase the demand for water. Problems are increasingly complicated with some of the main rivers in the area traversing state boundaries. This essay will focus on the Jordan River basin, a water source for Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank. It deals with water as a scare natural resource, as well as the ...
  • Zabbal, Marc-Antoine R. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    A name that will re-echo throughout Lebanese history, that of Rafic Hariri, a giant who gave his all to his country and sacrificed his very self at the end. His name is mentioned in every household and will be remembered by Lebanese. Rafic Hariri came from a Sunnite family of living in the outskirts of Sidon, where he spent his childhood years. Later, he traveled to KSA and executed brilliant projects which rendered him a billionaire. Backed up by his wealth and experience, Hariri chose to fulfill his youthful dreams of building up his country developing his country and finally gave his life for ...
  • Shahda, Elias Aziz (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    Like other developed countries, the Lebanese bureaucracy is severely criticized not only by developed countries but also by the Lebanese citizens. Most if not all the Lebanese bureaucrats are not serving the public in the correct and proper way. This state of affairs created a big gap between the citizens on one side and the bureaucrats on the other. The citizens complain about the bureaucrats as being lazy, corrupt, ignorant, and unwilling to serve the public. Throughout the independence period several attempts were made to reform the Lebanese bureaucracy and adapt it to the changing conditions ...
  • Abboud, Stephanie (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021)
    Lebanon, the second smallest state in the Middle East, has been influenced by numerous foreign interventions, of which most significant are those by, regional and global powers, the French Republic and the United States of America. Beyond their direct military presence in the past, both the US and France have been constantly accused of meddling in Lebanon’s internal affairs. In the past few years, the United States had been regularly imposing sanctions on Lebanese companies and individuals, whereas, more recently still, France was becoming directly involved in the Lebanese political crisis. ...
  • Hanna, Zeina M. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2004)
    Political instability in Lebanon, caused by the tragic war that lasted over 25 years, inhibited and delayed all economic development. A new area of political stability conducive to development emerged soon after 1990. During this era, Lebanon commenced a completely new national economic recovery, a process that witnessed new construction in various infrastructural sectors, to including the courts, telecommunication, electric installations, airports, roads, etc. 1 As part of the Lebanese economic policy, the Lebanese government invites investors and tries to create for them an ...
  • Rashed, Huda Karim (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    The norm of self-defense in international law is so determinedly an inherent right that its precise meaning and justifications are rarely examined. Whatever the general merits of the norm, its retention seems fairly open to question when one sovereign state appears supremely unsecured facing a threat in terms of actual armed attack or imminent threat. This thesis studies the term and the case of a theoretical defense of the norm within the context of the state's use of force in pre-emptive self-defense - anticipatory self-defense. If a defense can be made when the supreme state's self-preservation ...
  • Baaklini, Elie S. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021-09)
    The Uighur dilemma has been debated for quite some time already. The global media discussed what is happening in the Chinese province of Xinjiang with several political analyses and special reports being disseminated throughout the globe. The studies done on this subject has been scarce, but when combining them together in a specific mold and with a targeted objective from a pinpoint angle it delivers the needed result, which is what this research has aimed at doing. The goal was studying the material that have been done on Xinjiang according to International Law with the aim of deducing whether ...
  • Harfouche, Joelle (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021-05)
    The principle of the independence of the judiciary, as protected by international and regional apparatuses for the promotion and fortification of human rights, is indispensable to the existence of the rule of law. To guarantee independence in executing legal standards and safeguarding respect of citizens’ rights, the Judiciary must be impartial and independent of the two other legislative and executive powers. However, the judiciary in Lebanon lacks independence and the purpose of this study is to build a framework for understanding the dynamics of the lack of judicial independence in Lebanon. ...
  • Jardak, Riwa Bahij (2021)
    Mesopotamia back then, Iraq and neighbors today were the Cradle of Civilizations, all the first firsts were born there, first concept of cities and villages, first law, philosophy, arts, ceramics, the concept of religion and construction of temples, concept of politics, sciences and technology, medicine and literature were also created first in Mesopotamia as well as the creations of the beer and the wheel. This Civilization exported all its creation to the world, philosophy, literature, science, technology, medicine, arts, education, industry, and manufacturing were all exported from Mesopotamia ...
  • Naoum Sawaya, Amal (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021)
    The topic of Irish unity has recently resurfaced to the headlines, after Brexit began in 2016. The dissertation was motivated by the pursuit to analyze the prospects of Irish unity, its timeline, and the factors affecting unity. In order to achieve the goal of the dissertation, an analytical approach was used to study historical, economic, social, and political indicators in Northern Ireland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. These indicators form a cohesive picture regarding the possibility of Irish unity after Brexit. The dissertation finds that Irish unity was re-triggered ...

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