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Theses and Dissertations

Theses and Dissertations


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  • Chaaya, Georges (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2015-06)
    Anomaly detection is the process of finding outlying record from a given data set. This problem has been of increasing importance due to the increase in the size of the data and the need to efficiently extract those outlying records that can have important indications in real-life problems. Anomaly detection is applied in many different sectors. There are many approaches to solve the anomaly detection problem. However, those that are more widely applicable are unsupervised approaches as they do not require labeled data. The aim of this thesis is to study a well-known anomaly detection technique ...
  • El-Jerdy, Firas François (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-07)
    Quantum key distribution uses special purpose hardware and quantum mechanics to distribute cryptographic keys in a system for its usage in a classical symmetric key scheme for encryption and decryption. There are two appeals for going to such length of creating special hardware and utilizing quantum mechanics to distribute keys over parties. First, detecting eavesdropping on communication due to the fundamental properties of photons governed by quantum mechanics. Second, offering a solution to the byproduct effect of quantum computers breaking the most common asymmetric schemes (Transport Layer ...
  • Chelala, Maria Ghosn (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    With the current rising trend in wireless based systems, applications such as video on demand, remote monitoring and surveillance are now being used in greater abundance. Coupled with this growth comes the ongoing need for improved network performance. This is due to the resource hungry nature of video data which places stringent requirements on communication networks. This study investigates performance improvement for remote surveillance applications over hybrid 2-stage disordering networks. It specifically focuses on resequencing alternatives for video data. A resequencing and batch aggregation ...
  • Saliba, Charbel (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-07)
    This research aims to validate the viability of implementing NFT mechanics in a video game. It discusses the blockchain technology’s limitations, as well as the many restrictions that NFT forces on game developers. Be it their immutable nature, their high minting cost, or their incapacity of holding big data. It also highlights the restrictions that prevent the interoperability of game assets, and finally, the ludicrous Play-to-earn business model. Two games are also developed, Crypto Forgers and Crypto Run, to further validate the findings presented by this research. While these two games are ...
  • Kahwagi, Roger (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2007)
    This thesis examines the different type of agents, and how they help evolve the world around, most particularly the way business are undertaken and handled. The following work is based upon the DALIA environment, which stands for Distributed Autonomous and Linguistically Competent Agents. In this work I have extended and improved the DALIA agent negotiation aspect, where two agents are involved in an offer and counter-offer negotiations. The model presented by DALIA for the offers and counter offers ia investigated and the weak points in the negotiation paradigm are identified. A strategy is ...
  • Chmeit, Nader (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2012-07)
    The scheduling problem is one of the most challenging problems faced in many different areas of everyday life. This problem can be formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem, and it has been solved with various methods using heuristics and intelligent algorithms. We present in this research an efficient solution to the scheduling problem using two different heuristics namely Simulated Annealing and Ant Colony Optimization. A study comparing the performances of both solutions is described and the results are analyzed.
  • Sfeir, Elias (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2012)
    Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are a type of emerging networks characterized by very long delay paths, frequent network partitions and high loss rates. The nodes are sparsely deployed and intermittently connected. The presenting network is used in a variety of environments including military, disaster situations and for long distance communications. Although it is used in critical sectors, the communication support lacks the high end technology usually found in important networks. The nodes participating in this network do not have stable end-to-end connections. They can communicate to each other ...
  • Simonian, Roy (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022)
    The world is witnessing nowadays a virus that spreads in a very fast manner and it has infected a large number of people. Countries rushed to find ways to stop this virus from spreading and to minimize the risks of getting infected. One of these ways was to integrate technology in people’s daily routine to help in containing the virus. In fact, although several countries took a lot of legal measurements and law enforcement to prevent the spread of the virus, such as wearing facial masks, social distancing, using sanitizers and other forms of hygiene supplements, there were always the need to ...
  • El Haddad, Anthony (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-07)
    With the considerable rise of Internet users and the massive and diverse web searches, an excess of data has become available online. A recommendation model, also known as an engine, handles this massive amount of data available to find patterns that reflect user behaviors. Recommendation models have been implemented in several industries, and the most popular implementation is in the entertainment industry, specifically video streaming and on-demand platforms. There are several types of recommendation systems. In this paper, we have proposed a way to escape the loop created by the recommendation ...
  • Eid, Maria George (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2022-05)
    There is no doubt that animation is becoming one of the biggest advertising trends and approaches in modern times. No need to wonder why! Simply put, animated advertisement gives us a video that is promotional and entertaining at the same time; leaving the consumer captured by the visuals and animation. With the relevance of animated advertisement in today’s world, this thesis aims to provide a comparative overview of animated vs non-animated advertising. The thesis shall study the “Soul Drops” animated commercial starting from scratch, to the procedures carried on until reaching the result.
  • Younes, Ceaser (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2014)
    Web services are form of middleware to exchange information between systems over a network. With the advent of the age of mobile devices and their diversity, the importance of web services became all the more apparent. Every web service grants certain functionality and can utilize other web services to gain more functionality and more robustness. Such a service that combines the functionality of other services is called a composite service and the process of designing such a service is called a composition. This thesis studies an on-the-fly algorithm that efficiently checks for the possibility ...
  • Semaan, Georgio (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021-05)
    In recent times, a new technology – Blockchain was brought forward to the global society. The world is using the term ‘Blockchain technology’ to signify diverse things such as the Bitcoin Blockchain, virtual currencies like Cardano and XRP, and smart contracts. Blockchain-based applications are springing up, covering several fields comprising financial services, reputation system and Internet of Things (IoT), and so on. Generally, Blockchain is implicit to be distributed ledgers that is a list of transactions verified and stored into blocks and shared among a number of computer nodes in a ...
  • Haddad, Mireille J. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2017)
    Maintenance is the most costly phase of the software life cycle. The maintenance cost of a program is estimated to be over 80% of its total life cycle costs (Erlikh, 2000). Since most of the maintenance time is devoted to understanding the program itself, program comprehension becomes essential. Often, a large fraction of the maintenance time is spent on reading code to understand what functionality of the program it implements. An insufficiently documented source code can be challenging for developers to understand and maintain. A clear and concise documentation can help developers ...
  • Yoghourdjian, Vahan Artine (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2013-06)
    In the world of computing, one major statement has always been true: the request for computing power is always greater than the available resources. For this reason, scientists and researchers started considering the concept of sharing resources. In the last decade, the world of computing has seen a big leap forward with the emergence of cloud computing. In this new paradigm, computing resources of data centers spread all over the world can be shared to provide increased power and availability to users. However, with this increase in computing power came along an exponential increase in energy ...
  • Rammouz, Veronica (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2021)
    The internet has made room for lots of unwanted activity to propagate through computers. In response, many methods were established to detect a certain computer executable as malicious. However, there were still loopholes for hackers within traditional systems. Some methods use machine learning others use deep learning. There are some drawbacks to each method, such as reverse analysis and restricted simulation on different execution paths, as well as long execution time. Some methods cannot generalize well and cannot scale to large amounts of data. Moreover, anti-viruses, using signature-based ...
  • Salem, Elie (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2006)
    A denial of service (DoS) attack is an attempt by a person or a group of persons to cripple an online service. This can have serious consequences on companies like Amazon and eBay, which rely on their online availability to do business. Many defense mechanisms have been proposed to thwart DoS attacks. One of these defense mechanisms is called hop-count filtering. Although an attacker can forge any field in the IP header, he or she cannot falsify the number of hops an IP packet takes to reach its destination. This hop-count information can be inferred from the time-to-live value in the IP header. ...
  • Azzi, Ziad (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2005)
    Wireless sensor networking is an increasingly important technology that is used in a variety of applications, such as environmental monitoring, infrastructure management, public safety, medical, home and office security, transportation and military systems. However, until now, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and their applications have been developed without considering an integrated management solution. This thesis analyzes in detail emerging wireless sensor management schemes and proposes a hybrid network model that establishes a combination between event-driven and continuous WSNs. The main ...
  • Khalil, Nazih E. (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 1999-07)
    Data Fragmentation is a heuristic problem in the design of a distributed database. Its purpose is to maximize the locality of reference, minimize data access at remote site, and to decrease the number of disk accesses in the system. In this thesis, we review the design a homogeneous distributed database. As the design is a heuristic problem, we also review a number of algorithms suggested as solutions to the three types of fragmentation: vertical, horizontal or mixed. Next, we propose that a previously implemented routine entitled "a transaction-based vertical partitioning algorithm" can be ...
  • Akiki, Pierre (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2007)
    The term spatial data signifies all geometric objects of different dimensions and the relations that could bind these objects together. Spatial data is, in general, divided into two parts: crisp spatial data and vague spatial data. Crisp spatial data has determinate coordinates and boundaries, whereas vague spatial data has indeterminate ones. The demand for spatial data support in database management systems is growing every day, yet not all commercial products provide spatial data support natively, and those that do merely provide it partially. Since database management systems are at the heart ...
  • Abdel Massih, Hisham (Notre Dame University-Louaize, 2000)
    Recent research in Geographic Information Systems (GISs) has created the kind of systems capable of modeling a number of interesting real world phenomena. Some applications where GISs have made significant contribution include routing, scheduling, dispatching, transportation logistics, vehicle tracking, market research, construction Planning, facility management and resource distribution. However, there seems to exist little connection between GIS solutions and much related research being carried out in other disciplines. This thesis studies the advantages of integrating recent research in ...

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